Elixir is a functional programming language designed for concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed computing. Understanding control flows in Elixir is crucial for writing effective and idiomatic Elixir code. This primer will cover the key control flow constructs in Elixir, including conditionals, loops, and pattern matching.
1. Conditionals
Elixir provides several mechanisms for handling conditional logic:
1.1 if
The if
macro is used for simple conditional expressions. It evaluates a condition and executes code based on whether the condition is true
or false
if condition do
# Code executed if condition is true
# Code executed if condition is false
Unlike other languages, there is no else if
clause in Elixir.
For single line operations, we can also shorten this to :
if condition, do: "My single do line", else: "Else line"
1.2 unless
Similar to Ruby, the unless
macro is the opposite of if
. It executes code if the condition is false
unless condition do
# Code executed if condition is false
# Code executed if condition is true
1.3 cond
allows for multiple conditions, similar to a switch
statement in other languages. It evaluates each condition in order until it finds one that is true
value = 3
cond do
value < 0 -> IO.puts("Negative number")
value == 0 -> IO.puts("Zero")
value > 0 and value <= 10 -> IO.puts("Between 1 and 10")
true -> IO.puts("Greater than 10")
2. Pattern Matching
Pattern matching is a central concept in Elixir. It allows for more sophisticated control flows, especially within functions and case
2.1 case
is used for simpler pattern matching against values and is one of Elixir’s most powerful control flow tools. Each case clause can match a pattern and execute corresponding code.
number = 2
case number do
1 -> IO.puts("One")
2 -> IO.puts("Two")
_ -> IO.puts("Other number")
2.2 Functions
Typically, more sophisticated pattern matching are used within functions, like so:
defmodule Example do
def print_message({:ok, message}) do
IO.puts("Success: #{message}!")
def print_message({:error, reason}) do
IO.puts("Error: #{reason}")
Example.print_message({:ok, "Operation completed"})
> "Success: Operation completed!"
In this example, the function print_message
handles different tuples based on their structure and content.
3. Recursion
Recursion is a fundamental control flow mechanism in functional programming. Elixir encourages using recursion instead of loops for iteration.
3.1 Simple Recursion
Here’s an example of a simple recursion using a reduce
algorthim approach:
defmodule Factorial do
def compute(0), do: 1
def compute(n) when n > 0 do
n * compute(n - 1)
IO.puts(Factorial.compute(5)) # Output: 120
3.2 Tail Recursion
Elixir optimizes tail-recursive functions to avoid growing the call stack. This means that tail-recursive functions can handle large inputs efficiently.
defmodule Factorial do
def compute(n), do: compute(n, 1)
defp compute(0, acc), do: acc
defp compute(n, acc) when n > 0 do
compute(n - 1, n * acc)
IO.puts(Factorial.compute(5)) # Output: 120
In this above tail-recursive version, the recursion is in the tail position, allowing Elixir to optimize it.
4. Comprehensions
Comprehensions in Elixir provide a syntax for generating and transforming collections by iterating over enumerables. They can be thought of as a way to create lists or other data structures based on existing ones, applying transformations and filters in a declarative manner.
4.1 Basic Syntax
The basic syntax of a comprehension is:
for <generators>, <filters>, do: <expression>
- Generators specify the collection to iterate over.
- Filters (optional) apply conditions to include only certain elements.
- Expression defines what to include in the resulting collection.
4.2 Example: Generating a List of Squares
Here’s a simple example that generates a list of squares of numbers from 1 to 5:
squares = for n <- 1..5, do: n * n
IO.inspect(squares) # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
n <- 1..5
is a generator that iterates over the range 1 to n * n
specifies that each element should be squared.
You can include filters and generators in comprehensions to create more complex data processing (this deserves its own article).
Control flow in Elixir revolves around pattern matching, recursion, and conditional constructs. These tools work together to manage program logic in a functional and expressive manner. By mastering these constructs, you can harness Elixir’s full potential and write clear, maintainable code.
Feel free to experiment with these concepts and see how they fit into your coding style!